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Shadow on Concrete Wall



Antonio Ibancovichi
About Antonio Ibancovichi

There are occasions, when confronting a work of art, that it is possible to perceive a series of diverse sensations that go, from a not satisfied curiosity, to a decisive inconformity; from plain mockery to a complete misunderstanding of the work itself.

Confronting the work of Antonio Ibancovichi, it’s very possible to assert that none of these reactions will affect our sensibility, for his production is based on a very solid dominion of his trade: a plastic concept of form and color that leave no doubt his searches and findings that have brought him to a full, beautiful and satisfactory realization, very pleasing to us as spectators.

Antonio Ibancovichi is a painter, an artist, a creator with such a definitive style that surely will  be transcendent in the realm of our concepts about art.

J. Levy
Colegio de Bachilleres

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